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life Coach, Author, Motivational Speaker, and contagious spark of hope, dedicated to helping you become your best authentic self through spiritual awareness.
orn and raised in Hartsville, South Carolina, with nothing more than a passion for journaling, praying, and helping others. I’m proud to say that God has created a place of peace within me that touches thousands if not millions of people through my social media platforms and Television interviews.
Through my books, online blogcast, and youtube videos, I help people go back to their time of memory to present day to help them identify those areas in their lives that still need healing. What I’ve found to be true, unresolved hurt manifest in other areas of our lives. It is only when we are aware of those hurts that we’re able to deal with them in a more mature and spiritual way. That part takes work, in which I am here to help you do.
One of the things I'm often asked is,
"How do you keep that smile on your face?"

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had a smile on my face. From a child getting in trouble in school for laughing and talking too much, to being an adult on the job and my boss calling me out because I was laughing too much. Having joy in my life has helped me keep the smile that so many notice when they see me first.
I’ve been passionate about so many things; teaching, singing, working in the yard, arts and crafts, fitness, entrepreneurship and writing. But I found my passion in teaching and helping others find their way through those tough times. After competing in my first Body Building Competition in 2002, I decided I would become a Fitness Trainer. I got certified as a PT and Sports Nutritionist. I started my own Fitness Business 1Body2 Build Personal Fitness with Lisa and began working as a Personal Trainer.
In 2020, pre COVID, I made a commitment to getting my Life Coaching Certification. I accomplished that goal January 2021. And is now a certified Life Coach for my second business, Finding Peace Within LLC, Life Coaching.
I enjoy the work and get excited when I see my clients accomplish their, personal, spiritual, professional goals.

As I struggled with my own identity due to my own eating disorders, I realized, I had to do my own work and find the place in which God had for me. That lead me to begin my spiritual journey and I discovered that my years of abandonment manifested itself through my eating disorder and promiscuity. After much pray, fasting and spending time with God, I am now aware of the things that caused those feelings of abandonment to come up and I now know how to deal with them. I am not a victim anymore. I am free now and walking in the perfect peace of God and the Joy that He gives to us every day.
I believe a'Centered Soul is a Centered Mind'.

hen your mind is at ease, your soul will follow. The battle isn’t in the soul, the battle is in the mind. They work together and whatever is going on the mind, the soul harbors. God wants us walking in wholeness, He wants us to have the peace that only He can give. He says, if you keep your mind stayed on Him, He will keep you in perfect peace, Isaiah 26:3. God wants us walking in wholeness so that we can help others.
I am here to serve you. My work is built on the word of God, Love, Peace, Joy, Compassion, and Truth. I am here to make a difference in your life. Whether you’re just beginning your journey to a smile or you’re already there, I am committed to you and helping you with your process of Finding Peace Within.
With much love,
Lisa D.
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